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Dr. Shuruq Naguib is a UK-based voice studying Qur'anic scripture and women’s representation. Egyptian born, she is currently a lecturer in Islamic studies at Lancaster University.
She has cautioned against the construction of binary oppositions where interpretations of gender in the Qur’an are either seen as modern feminist and egalitarian, on the one hand, or traditional, male and misogynistic on the other. Instead she suggests a third possibility for Muslim feminist analysis which ‘affirms the original purity of humanity as a horizon for the divine.’[1] |
Dr. Naguib’s research focuses on both pre-modern and classical textual traditions as well as Muslim responses to modernity and how contemporary female Muslim scholars read the tradition to develop their authority. In 2010 – 2011 she lead a research project entitled ‘Muslim Women Reading Religious Texts in Britain and Egypt’ which investigated how Islamic texts are read by ‘ordinary’ Muslim women in light of their contexts.[2]
[1] Shuruq Naguib, 'Horizons and limitations of feminist muslim hermeneutics : reflections on the menstruation verse' (2010)
[2] Lancaster University website: http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/people/shuruq-naguib(6c88092c-1ea0-4901-a5d4-97e343f8011f).html
[2] Lancaster University website: http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/people/shuruq-naguib(6c88092c-1ea0-4901-a5d4-97e343f8011f).html